Clip from the Mark Gungor Show (Podcast, MP3, 11 minutes).
Context: Mark Gungor is a pastor and comedian, with a daily podcast at This clip is an excerpt about his appearance on a TV talk show. He tells the story of a ridiculous situation. It could be sad and tragic, but the Gungors know how to have fun and be happy, in spite of their circumstances. Religious or not, it's a great and funny example of how to take on life.
Here's an hilarious 5 minute long poem by Australian, Bill Kearns.
I've searched for Mr. Kearns on the web to give a linked credit, but have struck out. Please contact me if you know where I can properly attribute this content.
Video clip from Mark Gungor's Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage video series, about poo in marriage (yes, that's right, poo... the kind that comes out of cows).